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The relationship between monosodium glutamate (MSG) and obesity

Posted by Unknown

If fried snack chips had a warning printed right on the bag that said, "Warning: these chips will make you obese," would you still buy it? Do you still eat them? Well, in a sense, you see that warning on chips, simply read the ingredient list. Research shows that obesity causes monosodium glutamate, making unhealthy food even unhealthier than you might have suspected.
I'm sure you already know that the tortilla and potato chips are not health food, right? They are made with fat fries, they almost always harbor hidden toxic chemicals (acrylamide), and if they feel, they usually contain monosodium glutamate (MSG). It is basically a recipe for obesity.
But how does MSG cause obesity? Like aspartame, MSG is the excitotoxin, a substance that overexcites neurons to the point of cell damage and, ultimately, cell death. Humans do not have the blood-brain barrier in the hypothalamus, which allows excitotoxins to enter and cause brain damage, according to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock in his book Excitotoxins. According to animal studies, MSG creates lesions in the hypothalamus that correlates with abnormal development, including obesity, short stature and sexual reproduction problems.
Based on the evidence, Dr. Blaylock makes an interesting thing about the American obesity epidemic, particularly among young people: "We can only wonder whether a large number of people having difficulty with obesity in the United States in connection with early exposure to food additive excitotoxins, since this obesity is one of the most consistent features of the syndrome. One of the characteristics of obesity induced by excitotoxins is that it did not appear to depend on food intake. This could explain why some people can not diet away their obesity "As an increasing number of elementary school students bring snack-bag the size of chips to school in their lunch boxes, the MSG-obesity link demands careful parents ..
Instead of passively watching modern society become obese and then comment on it, we need to change it at the earliest. That begins with you, the consumer. By avoiding foods with MSG, you not only protect your health and the health of your family, you also protect public health by not supporting companies that use MSG. Use your purchasing power to show that you do not accept food produced using MSG or other forms of hidden MSG such as yeast extract, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and autolyzed proteins.

The experts talk about MSG and obesity:

Olney, J.W. "Brain Lesions, Obesity, and Other Disorders in Mice Treated with Monosodium glutamate." Sci. 165 (1969): 719-271. Humans also do not have the blood-brain barrier in the hypothalamus, even as an adult. It is for this reason that Dr. Olney and other neuroscientists so concerned about the widespread and heavy use of excitotoxins, such as MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and cysteine, as food additives. In experiments Dr. Olney found that high-dose exposure to MSG caused hypoplasia of the adenohypophysis pituitary and gonads, in conjunction with low levels of hypothalamic, pituitary, and plasma LH, growth hormone, and prolactin. When doses below toxic levels for hypothalamic cells are used, he found a rapid elevation of LH and depression of the pulsed output of growth hormone. In essence, these excitotoxins can cause severe pathophysiological changes in the endocrine system of central control. Many of these dysfunctional changes can occur with subtoxic doses of MSG. One can speculate that chronic exposure to these neurotoxins could cause significant changes in the functioning of the hypothalamus, including the non-endocrine.
Excitotoxins by Russell L Blaylock MD
"Consuming MSG causes obesity"
Exposure early in life to high doses of glutamate or other excitotoxins, could theoretically produce the entire array of disorders much later in life, such as obesity, impaired growth, endocrine problems, sleep difficulties, emotional problems including episodic anger, and sexual psycho-pathology.
Excitotoxins by Russell L Blaylock MD
Stress-induced abnormalities in blood-brain barrier permeability show MSG effects vary depending on the countries that there is relaxation or tension. Suggestive evidence for MSG-induced neuroendocrine effects of large, combined with observations of increased obesity in children.
In Bad Taste by George R Schwartz MD
With a large consumption of foods laced with MSG additives, it is no wonder that we have an obesity problem in this country, especially when you combine the hypothalamic lesions caused by MSG to carbohydrate and high fat diets of young people. Special attention is the suggestion that MSG ingested by a pregnant woman can actually cause this lesion in children while they are still in the womb.
Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell L Blaylock MD
This also means that, during pregnancy, mothers of diabetic children also consumed very large amounts of this excitotoxin-containing foods. Also, many parents feed their babies table food from food-early age is often mixed with large amounts of MSG. In addition, a large number of baby milk formula, and many formulas known excitotoxins such as caseinate high. I have cited studies showing that gross obesity is often associated with excessive MSG consumption in test animals.
Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell L Blaylock MD
Particularly disturbing is obesity later after MSG exposure during the neonatal and infant period even after only brief or limited exposure.
In Bad Taste by George R Schwartz MD
With all these endocrine malfunctions you would expect these mice to develop normally, and they did. Consistently, animals exposed to MSG was found to be short, too fat, and have difficulty with sexual reproduction. We can only wonder whether a large number of people having difficulty with obesity in the United States in connection with early exposure to food additive excitotoxins since this obesity is one of the most consistent features of the syndrome. One of the characteristics of obesity induced by excitotoxins is that it did not appear to depend on food intake. This could explain why some people can not diet away their obesity. It is ironic that so many people drink sweetened beverages with NutraSweet ® when aspartate can produce the exact same lesions as glutamate, resulting in gross obesity. MSG obesity rates is actually due to the human population is unknown.
Excitotoxins by Russell L Blaylock MD
"Animal studies have suggested an association between MSG and obesity"
Effect of MSG obesity in animals requires evaluation because of increased obesity are described in our population, along with hypertension and diabetes. MSG-induced obesity in animals may carry long-term significance for humans.
In Bad Taste by George R Schwartz MD
Since the initial observation, other studies have confirmed that MSG causes gross obesity in animals. At an international neuroscience meeting, Dr. Olney was asked if he thought the reason Americans are so fat, in fact, due to their high consumption of MSG additives. The question was never answered, but since that conference in the 1970s, America has undergone this virtual epidemic of gross obesity, especially among the younger generation.
Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell L Blaylock MD
This is due to obesity MSG-marked with a preference for carbohydrates and an aversion to more nutritious foods, such as we are now seeing in our youth. Also, being overweight is very difficult to exercise off or diet of the animal experiments.
Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell L Blaylock MD
 "References "
More aboutThe relationship between monosodium glutamate (MSG) and obesity

Matikan lampu ketika Anda pergi ke tempat tidur - Bahkan cahaya redup di malam hari dapat memicu obesitas

Posted by Unknown

Anda mendapatkan jumlah yang sama latihan seperti biasa, Anda tidak mengambil dalam kalori lebih dari biasanya, namun Anda tetap pada kenaikan berat badan. Jadi, Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya apa yang di bumi yang terjadi dengan tubuh Anda. Mungkin pertanyaan Anda harus bertanya pada diri sendiri adalah yang satu ini: apa lampu menyala di kamar tidur Anda di malam hari? Menurut penelitian baru, paparan terus-menerus terhadap cahaya di malam hari dapat menyebabkan penambahan berat badan, bahkan tanpa penurunan aktivitas fisik atau makan makanan lebih.

Penelitian, hanya diterbitkan dalam edisi online dari Prosiding National Academy of Sciences, Terlibat binatang. Namun, temuan menimbulkan pertanyaan serius tentang apakah tubuh manusia juga di risiko dari metabolisme diubah dan berat badan dari cahaya terlalu banyak paparan di malam hari.

Sebuah Ohio State University penelitian Tim menemukan bahwa tikus terkena cahaya yang cukup remang-remang di malam hari selama sekitar dua bulan mengalami kenaikan di tubuh massa bahwa sekitar 50 persen lebih dari tikus lain yang tinggal dan tidur dalam siklus terang-gelap normal. "Meskipun tidak ada perbedaan dalam tingkat aktivitas atau konsumsi sehari-hari makanan, Tikus yang hidup dengan cahaya pada malam itu makin gemuk dari yang lain, "kata Laura Fonken, seorang mahasiswa doktor dalam ilmu saraf di Ohio State yang memimpin studi ini, dalam sebuah pernyataan kepada media.

Meskipun tikus lab terkena cahaya malam hari tidak kurang aktif dan tidak makan lebih banyak, mereka ditemukan untuk makan di saat-saat ketika mereka biasanya tidak akan chowing bawah. Bahkan, dalam sebuah studi ketika tikus terkena cahaya di malam hari dibatasi dari makanan kecuali pada waktu normal mereka makan, mereka tidak mengalami tambahan berat keuntungan.

"Sesuatu tentang cahaya di malam itu membuat tikus dalam penelitian kami ingin makan pada waktu yang salah untuk benar memetabolisme makanan mereka," jelas Randy Nelson, rekan penulis studi dan profesor ilmu saraf dan psikologi di Ohio State, di tekan pernyataan.

Para peneliti menemukan bahwa kadar hormon stres corticosterone tidak berbeda secara bermakna pada tikus yang terkena cahaya redup jika dibandingkan dengan tikus yang hidup dalam siklus terang-gelap standar. Itu mengherankan karena corticosterone telah dikaitkan dengan perubahan metabolisme. Jadi, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tikus mungkin ada perubahan dalam metabolisme yang menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan tanpa perubahan tingkat corticosterone.

Tapi bagaimana mungkin cahaya redup di malam hari akan memicu lemak menyebabkan perubahan dalam metabolisme? The Ohio State ilmuwan berpikir cahaya mungkin mengganggu tingkat hormon melatonin, yang memainkan peran penting dalam metabolisme. Selain itu, paparan cahaya di malam hari bisa mengganggu ekspresi gen jam, yang membantu mengontrol kapan hewan makan dan ketika mereka aktif.

Dr Nelson menyatakan bahwa jika hasil ini dikonfirmasi pada orang yang bisa berarti makan larut malam mungkin menjadi faktor risiko serius bagi kegemukan. "Cahaya di malam hari adalah lingkungan faktor yang mungkin berkontribusi terhadap epidemi obesitas dengan cara yang orang tidak harapkan, "katanya." adalah obesitas Masyarakat berkorelasi dengan sejumlah faktor termasuk tingkat paparan cahaya di malam hari. "

Sebelumnya, para peneliti telah menargetkan menggunakan komputer yang berkepanjangan dan menonton televisi sebagai faktor risiko obesitas - tapi mereka telah terfokus pada bagaimana menonton TV atau surfing internet selama berjam-jam berkontribusi kurangnya aktivitas fisik. Sebaliknya, hubungan antara kelebihan berat badan dan menggunakan komputer dan banyak menonton TV pada malam hari bisa lebih banyak bergantung pada asosiasi dengan cahaya terlalu banyak di malam hari dan makan pada waktu yang salah, yang mengganggu metabolisme.

"Jelas, menjaga berat badan memerlukan menjaga asupan kalori aktivitas fisik rendah dan tinggi, tapi ini faktor lingkungan dapat menjelaskan mengapa beberapa orang yang menjaga keseimbangan energi yang baik masih berat badan," kata Dr Nelson dalam pernyataan pers.

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