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Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda

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Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda, Seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi dan industri yang melaju dengan cepat dan dinamis, Perusahaan  PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) secara bersamaaan memperkenalkan dua Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik terbarunya yang sudah diaplikasikan teknologi PGM-FI, yaitu Supra X 125 Helm In PGM-FI dan Honda Spacy Helm In PGM-FI.

PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) sebagai pelopor produk berteknologi injeksi ramah lingkungan Sejak tahun 2005 hingga saat ini, PT Astra Honda Motor telah berhasil berkembang,  bertahan dan memberikan beragam pilihan di tengah ketatnya persaingan dibidang Produsen Sepeda Motor.

Sebagai pemimpin produsen Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda  di Indonesia memiliki kepedulian dan tanggung jawab untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam menciptakan Indonesia yang lebih baik. Dengan inovasi tiada henti, Honda selalu mengembangkan teknologi yang memberikan manfaat, baik untuk konsumen maupun lingkungan di Indonesia.

Honda mempersembahkan  Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda  yaitu teknologi Honda PGM-FI, sebuah sistem suplai bahan bakar cerdas dengan teknologi kontrol elektronik yang bersahabat dengan lingkungan sekaligus memberikan arti Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik yang sesungguhnya bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

"Teknologi PGM-FI atau Programmed Fuel Injection dikendalikan secara elektronik untuk memasok bahan bakar dan oksigen secara tepat sesuai kebutuhan mesin di setiap keadaan. Teknologi Injeksi ini memberikan banyak manfaat bukan hanya untuk konsumen namun juga untuk lingkungan sekitarnya . Selain ramah lingkungan, teknologi ini juga sangat irit bahan bakar.

"Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda"
Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda
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Review Ultrabook Acer Aspire S3

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ultrabook notebook tipis harga murah terbaik
Rasa Penasaran publik yang telah melihat proto type laptop terbaru Acer Aspire S3 pada  pameran / promo Tanggal 15-16 Oktober 2011 di Senayan City tahun lalu terjawab sudah. Acer Akhirnya mengumumkan Notebook yang diklaim Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik tersebut secara resmi dilaunching kepada publik di Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta , tepatnya tanggal 28 September 2011.

Acer Aspire S3 menggunakan Casing dari  bahan alumunium dengan finishing matte berwarna silver Acer Aspire S3 terlihat sangat cantik dan elegan, ketebalannyapun sangat tipis hanya 13mm, Acer Aspire S3 bisa dikatakan Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik saat ini.

SPESIFIKASI Ultrabook Acer Aspire S3 :
Acer Aspire S3 berlayar 13.3-inch HD LED, 1366 x 768 dan di lengkapi dengan prosesor intel 2nd-generation Core i7 2637M ULV ( 1.7GHz ) yang mempunyai Turbo Boost hingga mencapai kecepatan 2.8GHz,  Memory DDR3 4GB,  Storage: Hybrid 500GB HDD + 20 GB SSD (sebagai cache drive), Card reader: mendukung SD Card dan MultiMedia Cards, Webcam: Integrated Acer Crystal Eye 1.3MP camera and microphon, Audio: Dolby Home Theater v4, combo audio jack, OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64Bit, Bodi: Magnesium-Aluminum alloy chassis, Keyboard: Full-size Acer FineTipchiclet keyboard dan juga Konektivitas: Acer InviLinkNplify 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi CERTIFIED, Bluetooth 4.0 + HSR. Acer Aspire S3 juga menyediakan Konektor: 2x USB 2.0, HDMI-out port.
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Kurikulum Tersembunyi

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Kurikulum tersembunyi atau kurikulum terselubung, secara umum
Kurikulum tersembunyi atau kurikulum terselubung, secara umum dapat dideskripsikan sebagai “hasil (sampingan) dari pendidikan dalam latar sekolah atau luar sekolah, khususnya hasil yang dipelajari tetapi tidak secara tersurat dicantumkan sebagai tujuan”.  Beragam definisi lain telah dikembangkan berdasarkan pada perspektif yang luas dari mereka yang mempelajari peristiwa ini. Segala bentuk pendidikan, termasuk aktivitas rekreasional dan sosial tradisional, dapat mengajarkan bahan-bahan pelajaran yang sebetulnya tak sengaja karena bukan berhubungan dengan sekolah tetapi dengan pengalaman belajar. Tetapi umumnya, kurikulum tersembunyi mengacu pada berbagai jenis pengetahuan yang diperoleh dalam sekolah dasar dan menengah, biasanya dengan suatu konotasi negatif yang mengacu pada ketidaksamaan yang muncul sebagai akibat hal tersebut. Sikap ini berasal dari komitmen sistim sekolah yang mempromosikan demokrasi dan memastikan pengembangan kecerdasan yang sama. Sasaran tersebut dihalangi oleh pelajaran-pelajaran yang tak terukur ini.. Dalam konteks ini, kurikulum tersembunyi disebut sebagai memperkuat ketidaksamaan sosial dengan mendidik siswa dalam berbagai persoalan dan perilaku menurut kelas dan status sosial mereka. Sama halnya seperti adanya ketidaksamaan distribusi modal budaya di masyarakat, berupa distribusi yang berhubungan dalam pengetahuan di antara para siswa Kurikulum tersembunyi juga dapat merujuk pada transmisi norma, nilai, dan kepercayaan yang disampaikan baik dalam isi pendidikan formal dan interaksi sosial di dalam sekolah-sekolah ini. Kurikulum tersembunyi sukar untuk didefinisikan secara eksplisit karena berbeda-beda antar siswa dan pengalamannya serta karena kurikulum itu selalu berubah-ubah seiring berkembangnya pengetahuan dan keyakinan masyarakat.

Konsep kurikulum tersembunyi terkespresikan dalam gagasan bahwa sekolah melakukan lebih dari sekedar menyebarkan pengetahuan, seperti tercantum dalam kurikulum resmi. Di balik itu terdapat berbagai kritik tentang implikasi sosial, landasan politik, dan hasil budaya dari aktivitas pendidikan modern. Sementara penelaahan awal berkaitan dengan identifikasi faham anti-demokratis dari sekolah, penelitian lain telah memperhatikan permasalahan berbeda, termasuk masalah sosialisme, kapitalisme, dan anarkisme dalam pendidikan.

Sejarah kurikulum tersembunyi dalam pendidikan
Saat mempertimbangkan implikasi sosial dari kurikulum tersembunyi, perlu diingat bahwa kontrol sosial adalah perhatian utama dari para penemu kurikulum pendidikan. Para peneliti awal di bidang ini dipengaruhi oleh pendapat bahwa pelestarian keistimewaan, minat, dan pengetahuan sosial dari suatu kelompok dalam populasi membuat perlunya eksploitasi kelompok lain yang kurang kuat.Seiring berlalunya waktu, teori ini menjadi kurang terperhatikan, tapi warna yang mendasarinya masih menjadi faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap permasalahan dalam kurikulum tersembunyi.

Beberapa teori pendidikan telah dikembangkan untuk membantu memberi makna dan struktur terhadap kurikulum tersembunyi dan untuk mengilustrasikan peran sekolah dalam sosialisasi. Tiga dari teori-teori tersebut, seperti dikemukakan oleh Henry Giroux dan Anthony Penna, adalah pandangan struktural-fungsional terhadap sekolah, pandangan fenomenologis yang berhubungan dengan sosiologi pendidikan yang baru, dan pandangan kritis radikal yang berhubungan dengan analisis neo-Marxist terhadap teori dan praktik pendidikan. Pandangan struktural-fungsional memusatkan diri pada bagaimana norma dan nilai diterapkan dalam sekolah dan seberapa penting hal tersebut bagi keberfungsian masyarakat telah diterima secara penuh. Pandangan fenomenologis berpendapat bahwa makna dibentuk melalui pertemuan dan interaksi sosial, dan berimplikasi pada pendapat bahwa pengetahuan adalah objektif. Pandangan radikal kritis mengenali hubungan antara reproduksi ekonomi dan budaya serta menekankan hubungan antara teori, ideologi, dan praktik belajar sosial. Walau dua teori pertama telah berkontribusi terhadap analisis kurikulum tersembunyi, pandangan radikal kritis memberikan wawasan paling luas.Pandangan tersebut mengakui aspek ekonomis dan sosial dalam pendidikan yang secara jelas diilustrasikan oleh kurikulum tersembunyi. Selain itu juga mengilustrasikan signifikansi dari karakteristik abstrak seperti teori dan ideologi yang membantu mendefinisikan peristiwa ini.

Berbagai aspek dari belajar berkonstribusi terhadap keberhasilan kurikulum tersembunyi, termasuk praktik, prosedur, aturan, hubungan, dan strukturnya.Berbagai sumber spesifik sekolah, beberapa diantaranya dapat disertakan dalam aspek belajar ini, menguatkan elemen penting dari kurikulum tersembunyi. Sumber-sumber ini termasuk struktur sosial dari ruang kelas, latihan otoritas guru, aturan yang mengatur hubungan antara guru dan siswa, aktivitas belajar standar, penggunaan bahasa, buku teks, alat bantu audio-visual, berbagai perkakas, arsitektur, ukuran disiplin, daftar pelajaran, sistem pelacakan, dan prioritas kurikulum.Keragaman dalam sumber ini menghasilkan perbedaan yang ditemukan saat membandingkan suatu kurikulum tersembunyi dihubungkan dengan berbagai kelas dan status sosial.

Sementara materi aktual yang diserap siswa melalui kurikulum tersembunyi adalah sangat penting, orang yang menyampaikannya menghasilkan investigasi khusus. Hal tersebut terjadi terutama pada penyampaian pelajaran sosial dan moral dengan kurikulum tersembunyi, karena karakteristik moral dan ideologi guru dan figur otoritas lainnya diterjemahkan dalam pelajaran mereka, walau tidak disadarinya.Pengalaman belajar yang tidak direncanakan ini dapat dihasilkan tidak hanya dari interaksi dengan guru tapi juga dengan sesama siswa. Seperti juga interaksi dengan figur otoritas, interaksi antar sebaya juga dapat menghasilkan teladan moral dan sosial. Selain itu juga dapat membantu pertukaran informasi sehingga menjadi sumber yang penting bagi pengetahuan yang berkontribusi terhadap keberhasilan kurikulum tersembunyi.

Walaupun kurikulum tersembunyi memberikan sejumlah besar pengetahuan pada siswa, ketidaksamaan yang diakibatkan kesenjangan antar kelas dan status sosial sering menimbulkan konotasi negatif. Sebagai contoh, Pierre Bourdieu menegaskan bahwa modal yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan harus dapat diakses untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik. Efektivitas dari sekolah akan menjadi terbatas bila kapital jenis ini didistribusikan secara tidak merata.Karena kurikulum tersembunyi dianggap sebagai suatu bentuk modal yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan, maka kurikulum tersebut menghasilkan ketidakefektifan sekolah ini sebagai hasil dari ketidakmerataan distribusinya. Sebagai cara dari kontrol sosial, kurikulum tersembunyi mempromosikan persetujuan terhadap nasib sosial tanpa meningkatkan penggunaan pertimbangan rasional dan reflektif.Menurut Elizabeth Vallance, fungsi dari kurikulum tersembunyi mencakup "penanaman nilai, sosialisasi politis, pelatihan dalam kepatuhan, pengekalan struktur kelas tradisional-fungsi yang mempunyai karakteristik secara umum seperti kontrol sosial."Kurikulum tersembunyi dapat juga diasosiasikan dengan penguatan ketidaksetaraan sosial, seperti terbukti dalam perkembangan hubungan yang berbeda terhadap modal yang berdasar pada jenis kerja dan aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan yang diterapkan pada siswa jadi berbeda-beda berdasarkan kelas sosialnya.

Kurikulum tersembunyi di pendidikan tinggi
Walaupun penelaahan tentang kurikulum tersembunyi kebanyakan dipusatkan pada pendidikan dasar dan menengah, pendidikan tinggi juga merasakan dampak dari pengetahuan laten ini. Sebagai contoh bias gender ada dalam mata kuliah tertentu; kualitas dan pengalaman yang dihubungkan dengan latar belakang pendidikan menjadi lebih signifikan; serta kelas, gender, dan ras menjadi lebih nyata dalam pendidikan tinggi. Satu aspek tambahan yang memainkan bagian penting dalam perkembangan siswa dan nasibnya adalah penelusuran karier. Metoda yang memadukan jalur pendidikan dan karier pada siswa usia muda ini bersandar pada berbagai faktor seperti kelas dan status untuk memperkuat perbedaan sosioekonomis. Seiring kemajuan siswa dalam sistem pendidikan, mereka mengikuti jalur dengan menyelesaikan kursus yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya.

Kurikulum tersembunyi dalam literatur
John Dewey mengeksplorasi kurikulum tersembunyi dalam penelitiannya di awal abad 20, khususnya dalam buku klasiknya Democracy and Education. Dewey melihat pola dan kecenderungan yang berkembang di sekolah yang menyandarkan diri pada perspektif pro-demokratis. Karyanya tersebut segera dibantah oleh pembuat teori pendidikan, George Counts, dalam bukunya yang terbit tahun 1929 Dare the School Build a New Social Order menantang pendapat Dewey. Sementara Dewey (dan beberapa pembuat teori perkembangan anak lain seperti Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson dan Maria Montessori) mengemukakan hipotesis bahwa seseorang melalui jalur tunggal dalam menuju kedewasaan, Counts mengungkapkan hakekat belajar yang reaktif, adaptif, dan multifaset. Hakekat belajar demikian membuat banyak pendidik mengubah perspektif, praktik, dan penilaian mereka terhadap tampilan siswa ke arah khusus yang memengaruhi siswa dengan drastis. Pemeriksaan Count diperluas oleh Charles Beard, dan kemudian, Myles Horton saat ia membuat apa yang kemudian menjadi Highlander Folk School di Tennessee.

Frase "kurikulum tersembunyi" juga dilaporkan pernah diungkap oleh Philip W. Jackson dalam bukunya Life In Classrooms tahun 1968. Ia mengemukakan argumen pentingnya pemahaman pendidikan sebagai proses sosialisasi. Segera setalah tulisan Jackson itu terbit, Benson Snyder mempublikasikan buku The Hidden Curriculum, yang mengajukan pertanyaan tentang mengapa siswa - bahkan atau terutama yang berbakat - menjauhi pendidikan. Snyder menyokong pendapat bahwa kebanyakan konflik kampus dan kecemasan siswa disebabkan oleh sejumlah norma akademik dan sosial yang tidak dinyatakan, yang menghalangi kemampuan siswa untuk berkembang secara mandiri atau berpikir secara kreatif.

Kurikulum tersembunyi lebih jauh dieksplorasi oleh sejumlah pendidik. Dimulai dengan buku Pedagogy of the Oppressedyang dipublikasikan tahun 1972, sampai ahir tahun 1990an, saat pendidik dari Brazil, Paulo Freire, yang mengeksplorasi berbagai dampak dari pengajaran terhadap siswa, sekolah, dan masyarakat secara menyeluruh. Eksplorasinya tersebut sejalan dengan yang dikemukakan oleh John Holt dan Ivan Illich, yang masing-masing diidentifikasi sebagai pendidik radikal.

Referensi :
  • ^ a b c d Martin, Jane. What Should We Do with a Hidden Curriculum When We Find One? The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry, dan David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 122-139.
  •  ^ Cornbleth, Catherine. Beyond Hidden Curriculum? Journal of Curriculum Studies. 16.1(1984): 29-36.
  • ^ Apple, Michael and Nancy King. “What Do Schools Teach?” The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry and David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 82-99.
  • ^ a b Giroux, Henry and Anthony Penna. “Social Education in the Classroom: The Dynamics of the Hidden Curriculum.” The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry and David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 100-121.
  •  ^ Apple, Michael, dan Nancy King. “What Do Schools Teach?” The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry, dan David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 82-99.
  • ^ Kohlberg, Lawrence. “The Moral Atmosphere of the School.” The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry dan David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 61-81.
  •  ^ Gordon, Edmumd W., Beatrice L. Bridglall, and Aundra Saa Meroe. Preface. Supplemental Education: The Hidden Curriculum of High Academic Achievement. Oleh Gordon, Edmumd W., Beatrice L. Bridglall, dan Aundra Saa Meroe. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005. ix-x.
  •  ^ Greene, Maxine. Introduction. The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. By Giroux, Henry and David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 1-5.
  •  ^ Vallance, Elizabeth. “Hiding the Hidden Curriculum: An Interpretation of the Language of Justification in Nineteenth-Century Educational Reform.” The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry and David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 9-27.
  • ^ Anyon, Jean. “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work.” The Hidden Curriculum and Moral Education. Ed. Giroux, Henry and David Purpel. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1983. 143-167.
  •  ^ Margolis, Eric, Michael Soldatenko, Sandra Acker, and Marina Gair. “Peekaboo: Hiding and Outing the Curriculum.” The Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education. Ed. Margolis, Eric. New York: Routledge, 2001.
  •  ^ Rosenbaum, James E. The Hidden Curriculum of High School Tracking. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1976.

More aboutKurikulum Tersembunyi

Psychologist triggers Therapy Without Clothes

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Sarah White
Psychologist triggers Therapy Without Clothes : Different from other psychological therapists, Sarah White had a unique method to ferret out the problems faced by patients. Beautiful woman 24 years it does not shy off piece by piece fashion during therapy sessions.

He did so for the majority of male patients feel comfortable. Psychologists believe how beautiful it is makes it easier to peel all the information without the patient realizing it. This method also helps men were more focused, more able to see into her, and more open.

So far, Sarah has handled 30 patients consisted of students with sexual problems, male adult with domestic problems, to the woman who loves conversation without using the clothing.

While getting a lot of patients, businesses reap a lot of criticism. Besides not having a certificate, Sarah violates the code of ethics the American Psychoanalytic Association.

source :
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 ACCESSORIES CROSS OPERATING SYSTEM, Of course cell phone Accessories from a single vendor is not designed to be able to work on mobile phones from other vendors. This does not apply to bluetooth at sony ericsson. There is an application that can outsmart the windows phone for hours willing to work with Sony Ericsson bluetooth out. His name is M. smart watch
Until recently, these types of hours of bluetooth sony ericsson MBW-100, Sony Ericsson MBW-150, Sony Ericsson MBW-200, abacus caller id watch, Citizen i: virt (W71), LM technologies. LM957 / LM958 9bluetooth sports / classic), LM Technologies LM959 (bluetooth vibrating bracelet), LM tecnologies bracelet Sony Ericsson HBH-DS980, and prada link (LBA-T950) can be handled by the smart watch M.
While mobile phones are known to support the smart watch is: HTC vox (S710), HTC wings (S730), HTC Rose (S740), Qtek 8310WM5, Qtek 8500, i-mate SP5, HTC Excalibur (S620), Tmobile dash, samsung blackjack II (i617), HTC Kaiser, HTC TyTN, Samsung i780, HTC HTC universal uni, E-ten X800, HTC Touch, HTC mogul PPC -6800 (Sprint), HTC Artemis / P3300 (T-Mobile MDA compact III), dopod 838 pro, gene HTC P3400, Samsung i900 OMNIA, sony ericsson XI, HTC touch HD and palm treo pro.
This free application you can download it from http://www.smarttmadsoft. Com / downloads. Html, and then installed into the phone. But rather complicated installation. Here are the steps:
  1. Turn on bluetooth via the "menu> Bluetooth> On / Off".
  2. Select the type of connection by selecting the menu "Settings> Device and select the SE MBW-xx0 (direct).''
  3. Turn on the clock synchronization facilities.
  4.  Am looking for bluetooth in the smart application watch M by selecting the menu "settings> device setup> dis cofer and pair'', and wait until the connection is formed.
  5.  Select''menu> start (connect) ".
  6. If ye see a message''waiting for connection. Press a button the watch'', just press any key on your Bluetooth clock. PDA connection to the clock would be directly formed.
For phones that are not in complete Microsoft Bluetooth Stack:
  1. Perform steps 2 dab 3.
  2. Open the Bluetooth Manager on your PDA and do the pairing through the application.
  3. Use the Bluetooth Manager as incoming / Inbound COM port or check the port number that will be used.
  4. Set the COM port via the menu "Settings> Device Setup> Register Selected COM port" on the application Smart Watch M.
  5. Restar phone.
  6. Run the application again Smart Watch M and press the Star.
  7. If you see a message: Waiting for connection.Press a button on the watch ", just press any key on your Bluetooth clock. Phone connection to the clock will immediately formed.


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Just created the Free apps for mobile phone app - check it out on any phone!: "Just created the Free apps for mobile phone app - check it out on any phone!"

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Coupons Site Intitle Google Offers

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Coupons Site Intitle Google Offers!
Coupons Site Intitle Google Offers
Google’s $6 billion bid for Groupon didn’t work out, but it wasting no time preparing its own competing Google Offers local advertising product. The first hints of Google Offers came out last week. Google confirmed it, calling it a “test of a pre-paid offers/vouchers program,” but offered no further details.

Well, we have further details, courtesy of Google’s very own search engine. (When PR fails, just Google it). There is a very simple way to get a list of active Google Offers coupons. It is kind of a back door, but if you do a search for “coupons intitle:Google Offers,” you can see almost 42,000 results, most of which link to individual active coupons. For example, here is one for a free yoga class in Chicago (Groupon’s home turf) or another one for 50 percent off lunch at a vegetarian restaurant in Watertown, Massachusetts. You can also add an Offers gadget to your iGoogle home page which shows offers near you.

Google just started promoting the service recently to small businesses and already has about 42,000 offers (assuming each result is a unique offer). Perhaps Google is waiting to get to 100,000 or 500,000 offers before publicly launching the service, but local merchants are already signing up in droves. If you go to an active coupon page, you see the name and address of the business above the actual offer, which is inside a boxed, dotted line. I guess you are supposed to show the coupon on your phone to a cashier or maybe you are supposed to print it and cut it out. The offer details are in the box, along with a coupon code and expiration date. Next to the coupon is a small map showing where the business is located. The iGoogle gadget suggests what Google Offers might look like as an Android app, showing you offers nearby.
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Oscar Nominations

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The Oscar race turned into a wild scramble on Tuesday, as “The King’s Speech” took the biggest number of nominations, “True Grit” surged into second position, and “The Social Network,” which had seemed a front-runner, was matched by “Inception,” followed closely by “The Fighter,” in gathering nominations for the 83rd Academy Awards. “The King’s Speech,” about friendship and speech therapy, garnered 12 nods, including best picture, best director (for Tom Hooper) and best actor (for Colin Firth as a stammering King George VI). The film had just won top honors from the Producers Guild of America over the weekend, and emerged as the leader in an unusually competitive pack of contenders for the best picture Oscar.In the morning’s biggest surprise, “True Grit,” a western remake from the filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen, followed with 10 nominations, including best picture, best director for the Coens, and a best actor nomination for Jeff Bridges, who won the acting award last year for “Crazy Heart.”

“True Grit” has been an audience favorite since its release in late December but had barely registered in the panoply of pre-Oscar awards and was recognized not at all at the Golden Globes last week.

By contrast, “The Social Network,” an unauthorized look at the Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, dominated the early awards, but slipped somewhat in the Oscar nominations. It secured eight of those on Tuesday, including best picture. David Fincher was nominated for his directing, Aaron Sorkin for the script and Jesse Eisenberg for starring as Mr. Zuckerberg.

“Inception,” a twisted tale of layered dreams, similarly had eight nominations, including best picture, but did not win a best director nomination for Christopher Nolan. The seven nominations for “The Fighter,” a boxing drama, included best picture, best director for David O. Russell and a best supporting actor nod for Christian Bale, but did not include a best actor nomination for Mark Wahlberg

In a twist that will require some tap-dancing on Oscar night, Feb. 27, one of the ceremony’s hosts, James Franco, was nominated as best actor for his work in “127 Hours,” based on the true story of a trapped outdoorsman who must sever his own arm to escape. The movie was also nominated for best picture. Mr. Franco’s co-host for the evening is Anne Hathaway, another young star, who was featured in “Love and Other Drugs” — a contender that was shut out on Tuesday.

“One of the reasons I agreed to host was to take my mind off the nominations — I have a reason to show up and not think about winning anything,” said Mr. Franco by telephone from Yale University, where he recently began a doctoral program in English. “At the moment,” he added with a laugh, “I’m really just worried about making sure I’m on time for class.”

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phenomenon of crop circles

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mystery of crop circles
phenomenon of crop circles
The mystery of crop circles in fields such Village Rejosari, Jogotirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region, on Sunday (01/23/2011), is a new phenomenon in Indonesia.
However, overseas phenomenon has been noted long ago, instead of the last century alone. In 1686, Prof. Robert Polt, ldd wrote in the publication of A Natural History of Staffordshire

Robert Poll is a "keeper" first Ashomolean Museum and professor of chemistry at Oxford. He describes, not just a circle shape, but the flat area "consists of three parts of the circle, the other is a semi-circle, a few more quadrants."
phenomenon of crop circles
The forms were discovered on land that is fertile and in the open field. Not just one, sometimes two and three circles.

Then, in July 1880 published a prestigious scientific journal, Nature, which contains a letter from a spectroscopist named J Rand Capron. He describes his findings about the unique formation in southern England.

"Establishing a round spot with a few stalks that stand as its center, a few stalks collapsed with the head arranged beautifully in a circle around the center, and in the outer circle of the stalk is intact."

Capron thought that form due to "hurricane." He also include sketch circle, but not published by Nature.
After that, more and more records about the emergence of the mysterious forms with different patterns and even very amazing.
In England, he often appears near the ancient sites, like Stonehenge is famous for the giant stones arranged orderly and impressive how the old man already has the advanced technology to build it.
However, crop circles have appeared in the United States are classified as not having traces of ancient civilizations, except the region which was originally inhabited by the ancient Indian nation.
Now, in America there is also a study group that studied this phenomenon scientifically, his name is Burke, Levengood, Talbott (BLT) Research Team.
More aboutphenomenon of crop circles

Search Domain Name System The fastest

Posted by Unknown

Search Domain Name System The fastest
DNS (domain name system) is a system that stores information about host-names and domain names in the form of distributed databases (Distributed databases) in computer networks, for example: the Internet. DNS provides the IP address for each host and log every mail transmission server (mail exchange server) that receives email for each domain. DNS provides an important service to the Internet, when computers and network devices to work with IP addresses to perform tasks such as addressing and routing (routing), humans in general prefer to use the host name and domain name, example is the appointment of a universal source (URL) and email addresses. DNS connects this need.
Of course the question is, why do we have to bother looking for control, whereas we use your ISP already provides DNS. The answer is not necessarily because the DNS provided by ISP's ability to fast. There are many free DNS which provide better capabilities than the DNS that the ISP provided.
To find the fastest DNS, we need the help of a freeware called Name Bench which can be downloaded from http: / / / p / namebench / with a file size 4.98 MB. When running a test, try another application which also uses the Internet connection.
  • Once downloaded, run directly Name Bench. At the name servers, DNS entries you currently use.
  • If you do not know DNS is used, open the command prompt, then write the command ipconfig / all. Description of existing DNS servers section.
  • Leave other options as default. Click Start Benchmark.
  • After the benchmark is completed, it will display the recommendations DNS that can be used.
  • To change your DNS, in the Control Panel open the Network And Sharing Center.
  • Select the connection you use, the window that appears, click Properties.
  • Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4.
  • Select the option Use the Following DNS server addresses, and fill with DNS that's recommended by Name Bench.

    More aboutSearch Domain Name System The fastest

    Not all Parties Get the benefit of the presence of new features

    Posted by Unknown

    The rise of SPAM and Phishing attacks that come from site specific site, seems to have gained the attention of Google to seek protection earlier in the user by presenting a new warning message in search results. Although the site does not actively infect computers, but of a second entrance gate of the attack.
    This message appears after the search engine Google detect any indication of the site has been in Hack. The message is a link labeled "May this site be compromised" And when clicked will direct the user to the help center article with more information of course. Hackers can make changes to the contents page of the site, add new links on a page or add a new page on the site.
    The presence of this message does not seem welcomed by the webmaster, because the potential to reduce site traffic. Therefore, Google responds with immediate removal of the message from the search results.

    • Definition of Spam:
    • Misuse of electronic messaging systems (including broadcast media and digital delivery system) to send news advertising and other purposes in mass. Spam generally displays news insistent insistently without being asked and frequently not at desired by the beneficiaries. In the end spam can cause inconvenience for users of the website. People who create electronic spam is called Spammers. Spam shape that are widely known include Spam E-mail, Instant Messaging Spam, Spam Usenet newsgroup, web information search engine Spam, Blog Spam, Wiki Spam, Spam Online Classified ads, spam Social networking and so forth.
    • Understanding Phishing
    • A form of fraud which is characterized by attempts to obtain sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card by posing as a trustworthy person or business in an official electronic communication such as electronic mail or instant messages. Phishing term in English comes from the word fishing (fishing), in this case means the lure of financial information and user password. With the number of reported cases of deception, or an additional method of protection is needed, efforts that include the manufacture of the Constitution user training and technical steps.
    More aboutNot all Parties Get the benefit of the presence of new features

    Definition of Bandwidth, HTML 5, Plugin, RIA And RSS

    Posted by Unknown

    • The term that indicates the capacity of the media in bringing Information. Bandwidth can be used in many   ways, such as telephone, cable network, bus, radio frequency signals and the monitor. Bandwidth is measured in cycles per second or hertz (Hz), the difference between the lowest and highest frequency that can be transmitted. But too often used measure of bits per second (bps)
    • HTML 5
    • The next major revision of the HTML standard which is currently still in development stage. Like his predecessors HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.1, HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presentation of content on the WWW. The new standard being in this though will incorporate features like video player and drag-and-drop previously dependent on third-party browser plug ins.
    • Plugin
    • Small applications that were implanted into a larger application. Aiming to improve the functionality of its parent application. An example is the plugin that is designed to enhance the functionality of certain web browsers, to be able to perform additional tasks to process a link with the services of a website.
    • Ria
    • Rich Internet Application. Online application (web based) with the same features and functionality or at least resembles a desktop application. In the draft RIA user interface applications can be accessed via a web browser, but the data do the data remain stored on the server.
    • RSS
    •  Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91), RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 And 1.0), Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0.0) is a family of Web Syndication XML to file format used by news websites and blogs, RSS is used to provide brief information of the content of a Web site or blog along with links that refer to the full content.
    More aboutDefinition of Bandwidth, HTML 5, Plugin, RIA And RSS

    Block Ads And Flash In Firefox Browser

    Posted by Unknown

    Not only connections that can be tweaked, you also have to click the " vehicle " which they use to explore the virtual world , which in this case is a browser .
    Here are some steps you can take to block ads and flash animations in Firefox browser.
    Firefox has add on to block ads and flash animation, here are the steps step.
    • Run Firefox, click Tools → Add-on.
    • Select Add-Ons get, then type the Adblock. As soon appear Adblock plus and click Add To Firefox.
    • In the window that appears click "Install Now".
    • Then find another add-on called Flashblock, install the same way.
    • Once both are installed, restart Firefox. After the restart setting will appear Adblock plus. Select one filter, then click Add Subscription.
    • To Flashblock he does not need any setting because by itself will block Flash animation
    More aboutBlock Ads And Flash In Firefox Browser

    Internet connection speed test

    Posted by Unknown

    In Indonesia the internet with fast internet connections are still in dreamily. Not that does not exist, but the price is still beyond the usual circles.
    It's been a lot of ISPs who had advertised its product by claiming connections in the offer could reach 3.1 Mbs, only at a cost of less than Rp.200. but remember the connection was also accompanied by appendage appendage "Up To", which means not necessarily the speed of 3.1 Mbps can be achieved at any time.
    Of course we should not give up so easily on these circumstances. Because is not necessarily a slow Internet connection is purely the fault of the ISP, there could be settings on our computer that has not been optimized so that it can interfere with connections that we are taking.
    Calculate the speed of your Internet connection
    For results that can count on, you should use a test tool that provides a local server. If not a local server, the result will be disrupted, because the test must go through long distances. Also when running the test, lest any other applications that require internet also on the run, such as instant messenger, anti-virus, and others. If you can do the tests at the time that is not a peak traffic such as the middle of the night to do the test.
    There are several free services that can be used to determine speed internet connection we use,
    Internet connection speed test
    Internet connection speed test
    1.  run the browser and open click the Settings menu, in the Preferred servers select the city closest to your position, and then click save.
    2. After drawing the map appears and displays the location of a server near you click Begin Test.
    3. And see the test results that appear, such as test results that the download speed of 1.51 Mb / s and Upload a 0.27 Mb / s.
      More aboutInternet connection speed test

      Learn Typing On A Keyboard

      Posted by Unknown

      The speed and accuracy of typing is important in have every user in order to increase productivity. To achieve this takes time and seriousness in practice. Various applications now come offers support typing exercise, one of which is the Portable RapidTyping.

      These applications include various typing exercises simple for users to type without looking at the keyboard. Various interesting background images and animations can be encountered at the interface RapidTyping during the training takes place, but both can be disabled if the user wants.

      This application is only to present a joint letter that is not a real word or sentence. To find out the progress of an application exercise also provides statistical information on performance and achievement that is able to exercise in user reach. To run this application users do not need to do the installation, because this application is portable.

      to get this application please visit
      More aboutLearn Typing On A Keyboard

      Software Revealer Fake Photos

      Posted by Unknown

      Photo manipulation may have been done by people since the emergence of photography itself. Photoshop is one of the most popular image editing programs in use for that purpose. For those of you who want to know whether a photograph is the original photos or photos from your camera or that have been modified, to use the program analyzer Photo JPEGsnoop. This program analyzes some compression parameters that exist in every JPEG file header. This parameter varies, depending on the camera or the software in use.
      • Open a photo in JPEGsnoop to display all the data found in detail. Information such as whether a photo has been edited and the editor of what the photo has been dip roses can be found at the end with the label "Signature Compression searching. "
      • JPEGsnoop have a complete database containing various camera models. You also can add a specific camera model that does not exist in its database. Load a photo made with the camera into the program and select "Add Camera / SW to DB".
      • This program can analyze the AVI when using MJPEG format for it, select "File | Open Image" and change "File Type" to "AVI".
      • Click on the " Tools | Image Search FWD "Done
      To get this software please visit
      More aboutSoftware Revealer Fake Photos

      Tracking Software Smart Song

      Posted by Unknown

      looking for a song in thousands of music collection would not be easy. Muffin music finder can help you manage MP3s and create playlists from songs in tune. This software uses the engine from the Institute Fraunhoter as a "digital fingerprint" of each song to take over management of a collection of songs. Identification is done based on the similarity of rhythm, speed, and the instruments are in use. For further use (after 7 days), you need to register on the website to get the activation code Magix (on send via e-mail).
      There are a few tips to run this software:
      • Highlight a song in the list and click on "Find Similar Tracks" to create a playlist.
      • Song song in the playlist you can burn to CD or copied to a portable player.
      • When to copy songs to portable players, muffins using standard MP3 format (128bit) as its output, for output or a better format (if supported by the player), replace the muffin encoder configuration via the "File | Options | portable players | format settings ". Completed.
      • To obtain this software, please just visit
      Good luck Tracking Software Smart Song
      More aboutTracking Software Smart Song

      Tips To buy Or Choose Netbooks

      Posted by Unknown

      Some important things to note before you buy or choose a netbook.
      Weight and dimensions
      • Make sure your liking. Dimensions and weight do not have the average weight differences are not too far from each other
      LCD screen
      • Allow your eyes to choose and try to see it some time. Typically netbooks have the largest 10.2-inch screen. Anything under 10.2 inches. But that does not cut netbook dimension because only the screen that does not shrink the dimensions or frame at the edges.
      Keyboard and Tuts
      • Adjust the size of your hand. Try typing for a while. If you feel the distance hand too close and make you stiff, then forget this netbook and start looking again another netbook.
      • Try to get a battery with large capacity because it would be useful to use outdoors. Great battery power will increase the burden of congenital you only a few grams only.
      • Make sure to suit your needs. Like, the number of USB 2.0 ports, Ethernet LAN, D-sub, Blue tooth, webcam, 3G modem, Express cards and so forth.
      Operating system (Os)
      • A good idea to choose which already is equipped with Legal Os, because it will be easier if the need to update online and travel abroad. Better yet if the netbook has a system recovery contained in the hard disk is not considering netbook is equipped with Optical Drive.
      • Make sure you buy a netbook that has the official warranty. This will make it easier and if there is damage.
      Hopefully useful Tips To buy Or Choose Netbooks
      More aboutTips To buy Or Choose Netbooks

      Tips for proper software update

      Posted by Unknown

      Not all new versions of software and tools update disadvantage. The following updates you need to take, to protect the system and keep it updated.
      Cleaning BUG
      • Any software that contains a BUG risk to the computer. Therefore, the more important to look for new patches on a regular basis and to install it. Many programs offer regular updates, so you will not miss an update, use the software updatestar to oversee all the software and keep it updated. 
      • For optimum anti-virus software in performing its functions, it should always update anti-virus software. Because every day new malware circulating on the internet that easily slipped through the signature file. Usually Anti-virus offers automatic updates that you should activate. Upgrade software is also useful if the manufacturer developed a new scanning.
      Changing the operating system
      • An operating system upgrade program usually also require, for example migration from XP to Vista. You see a lot of new software that is incompatible with the kernel or the old file system. However, this sometimes requires new hardware because the old PC components are too weak for the new operating system.
      The new technique
      • Pieces of Blu-ray or HD-DVD require new hardware such as drives, graphics card and monitor compatible. The same thing applies to software, because the new code can not usually be integrated into the old software. For users who do not want to miss would not want to upgrade their computer.
      Business Software
      More aboutTips for proper software update

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